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Be Smart! Get to Know More about Tax Back Policies Being a Backpacker in the “Land Down Under”!

In other countries, tax back is same as tax refund. Backpackers or travelers working holiday and 417 visa holders get a tax back in Australia. It is very important to get an official Tax File Number, which backpackers can either get through the legitimate Tax Office or via online, to be able to apply for tax back. With the number of backpackers who oftentimes get part time jobs, there are a lot of Tax back companies in Australia, in which, includes three of the top tax back processing company - Pinkcow, TaxBack and ExpressTaxback.
Like any other industries, rivalry would always be constant. More like choosing the right meal, burger versus taco versus burrito. As years passed and as the number of backpackers are increasing incredibly, the competition within the top three tax back companies has been getting hotter and hotter. We may be able to help you choose which company to pick in processing and applying for your tax back.
Pinkcow offers assistance for those who holds Working Holiday Visa and other visa holders in Australia and is known to be very visible in events and even activities involving working backpackers. Pinkcow, who is also tied up with the most excellent tax return experts, are capable of processing tax back requests anywhere in the world, be it in Asia, Europe or any other country.
Although TaxBack and ExpressTax Back also offer the same types of process and services like Pinkcow, the rivalry begins with how fast these companies are able to process tax return for backpackers and how they are treated. Most tax back application requests are processed online and customer service excellence has always been the measurement of how a company is treating their clients.
Australia’s Pinkcow, Taxback and ExpressTaxback offers “no refund no fee” policy for all backpackers. All three companies have forms to fill out, procedures to follow and almost similar processes to go through though Pinkcow, Taxback and ExpressTaxback have dedicated teams to assist their clients. There may be not much difference between the three tax back processing companies, but if you will look more closely and try one of them, you will be able to determine which tax back company provides the most efficient and fastest way to get your tax back.
The number of years in the industry may be one point to discover, up-front fees is another and efficiency is on top of everything. Pinkcow’s difference from the other companies is that they also offer assistance in all social events and backpacker related gatherings, which what makes Pinkcow rise above them all.
In processing tax return, it will have the same services to offer, same process to go through, but then again, efficiency and visibility has almost play a big role no matter what type of business or industry you are in. As long as your clients feel the sincerity in helping and getting the fastest service everyone deserves, a company would always be on top of the list.