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Get to Experience Egypt Like Never Before and Take Home an Unforgettable Escapade
Egypt, formally known as Arab Republic of Egypt, is a Mediterranean country and the world’s only contiguous Eurafrasian nation that lies within the Nile Valley. Egypt, one of the countries that hold the longest history, is rich in culture, antiquity and beliefs plus is a must see for every traveler most especially for history lovers.
Here are some of the most visited places in Egypt that tourists should take note of:


Situated in the southwest part of Cairo on the west bank of Nile, Giza is the third largest city in Egypt. Giza is well known for its temples and is also renowned for its extraordinary monuments and ancient structures such as pyramids and sphinx.

Abu Simbel Temples

Consisting of two temples – The Great Temple and The Small Temple – Abu Simbel Temples are situated in the southern part of Egypt and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, tagged as the Nubian Monuments. Abu Simbel Temples were originally built in 13 BC and was relocated in 1968.


Cairo is a city founded in 969 CE, which is the largest city in the Middle-East, next to Lagos in Africa. Cairo, which is the capital of Egypt tagged as “the city of a thousand minarets,” is infamous for its history and the fascinating Islamic city structures all over. As tourists walk along, Cairo will be able to tell a story with its historic heritages and sights.


Once a capital city and a glorious one back in the old days, Alexandria was once home to Queen Cleopatra and was established by no less than Alexander the Great. This destination is also rich in historic heritages and portrays significant role in commercialization. Alexandria caters museums, monuments and galleries that exhibit artifacts coming from centuries past.

Mount Sinai

Translated literally as Mount Moses, as what the bible and Koran said, that Moses received the Ten Commandments in this mountain. This destination is a famous pilgrimage site for different believers from all over the world. Mount Sinai may still have not been proven as the exact place where the Ten Commandments were given, it still remains a sacred place for pilgrims and believers.


Dahab, believed to be one of the best diving spots in Sinai Peninsula, is located in the southeast coast of the peninsula. This destination has transformed for the good of all its travelers as accommodations are available as well as cleaner vicinity and famous resorts nowadays. Dahab has seem to cope up with the new trends for coastal areas and many tourists are now interested in paying a visit to this once isolated coastal village.

Nile River

Claimed as the world’s longest river, Nile has been significant to many countries in Africa as it has been supplying water in Egypt and Sudan primarily. This destination is now offering river cruises and tours for its tourists and gets to see Egypt in a different perspective.

St. Catheine’s Monastery

St. Catherine’s Monastery, which is officially called as the Sacred Monastery of the God-Trodden Mount Sinai, is a destination in Egypt that is perched on the Sinai Peninsula at the foot of the infamous Mount Sinai. St. Catherine’s Monastery is known as one of the oldest working Christian monasteries in the world. This destination is also part of old beliefs where Moses brought his people.


Aswan is a commercial area situated at the east bank of Nile and is also one of the main tourist attractions in Egypt nowadays. This destination is an ideal place for taking a break and relaxing purposes. Aswan is a place that is more laid back and calm than those extensively historic places in Egypt.

Siwa Oasis

Siwa Oasis is known as the home to an oracle of Amon and a historic part of the Ancient Libya. This destination became a tourist attraction because of the ruins where the said oracle was believed to be situated. Siwa Oasis’ inhabitants are mainly Berbers whose history and heritages are still visible even until today.


AFRICA Backpacker / Traveler




TANZANIA Backpacker / Traveler




KENIA, UGANDA, RUANDA Backpacker / Traveler

