Honeydew Picking / Packing
Summer Is Already Here! Enjoy Eating Honeydew Melons or Drink It With A Twist!
Honeydew, also known as Honeymelon, is an energizing fruit which people use to refresh oneself. This is usually best enjoyed when fresh as it hydrates the body and reduces edema and water retention. Honeydew are small to medium-sized melons from Muskmelon group or Cucumis melon, it has a pale green flesh and has smooth green exterior rind though some melons have yellow rinds and orange flesh. It grows and ready to harvest in 80 to 100 days.
It contains vitamins and minerals such as:
– Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant. It helps boosts our immune system which helps maintaining the activity of the white blood cells. It provides collagen in the body and protein that makes the skin and bones strong. Eating a cup of honeydew will give us 34% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.
– Potassium or Vitamin K has many health benefits to offer. It can prevent us from stroke, lower the blood pressure, prevents heart and kidney disorders and relieves anxiety and stress, to name a few. It is a powerful element in improving our health as a cup of honeydew has 388mg of potassium.
– Vitamin B6 helps maintaining the brain and nerve functions. It also has antibodies that are needed to fight diseases and helps in forming red blood cells. One cup of honeydew melon will provide us a 12 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin b6.
Honeydew melons are a rich source of fiber which prevents constipation and any gastrointestinal diseases, so eating a cup of its fruit gives us 1.4 grams of fiber that our body needs.
Australia has a huge land of crops planted and they are in need of people to help them harvest their crops. Even if you are a traveler, you can do fruit-picking jobs in Australia which they offer an hourly base pay plus some who offers board and lodging.
Most regions in Australia grow honeydew melons and is available all year round. Here are the list of places you can go to hand-pick honeydew melons with pay: AyrBoonah, Bourke, Bowen, Bundaberg, Carnarvon, Chinchilla, Darwin, Emerald, Gatton, Hay, Katherine, Kununurra, Laidley and St George.
In picking honeydews, always look for the ones with a pale cream or creamy white rind. You will know if it is fully ripe when you can smell its aroma. If it’s not yet ripe, keep it away from direct sunlight and just leave the melon at room temperature for a few days to ensure that the taste and quality of the fruit is guaranteed.
Ripe honeydew melon is mostly enjoyed fresh especially in the summer season. You can eat it alone or mix with other fruits for a refreshing drink. You can try Avocado Melon Breakfast Smoothie, Melon Ball Punch, Honeydew and Cucumber Green Drink, Honeydew Kiwi Shamrock Smoothie Bowl, Honeydew and Pear Sangria, Melon Smoothie or Cucumber Melon Cooler.
When harvesting honeydew melons in Australia, make sure to wear protective clothes, hats, boots, gloves, sunglasses and long-sleeved top. Bring bottles of water to keep you rehydrated and do not forget to put on sunscreen lotion.