Raspberry Picking / Packing

Enjoy Traveling Australia by Picking Raspberries – The Favorite Fruit Of All Ages!
If you plan to visit Australia or already in the country but almost out of budget, you can try fruit-picking jobs which is widely offered in all regions of Australia. One of the all year round fruit crops are Raspberries, which are rich source of vitamin C, vitamin K, Vitamin E, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus and Zinc. The largest producer of raspberries in the country is Victoria with 54 percent total national production yearly and followed by Tasmania with 31 percent of national production share.
It is very nutritious for it is high in fiber, has no fat, no cholesterol and no sodium. It help reduces high blood cholesterol levels and slows the release of carbohydrates.
There are many different kinds of raspberry fruits and they can be categorized by their color: red, yellow or gold, purple and black. They are formally in season from November to April but due to technology, all varieties of raspberries are available all year round.
Here are the different kinds of raspberries: Rubus probus or popularly known as Atherton raspeberry, Rubus rosifolius which has little conical red fruits, Rubus queenslandicus which has hairless stems, Rubus parvifolius has shrub that grows up to 90 centimeters high and its red fruit are small and tasty, Rubus moorei, Rubus nebulosus grows in summer season, Rubus ellipticus has bright yellow fruit with fairly succulent taste, Rubus alceifolius, Rubus moluccanus has shrub that grow up to 3 meters high, and Rubus x novus, which is a hybrid between Rubus moluccanus and Rubus parvifolius but this variety does not grow fruits.
When growing raspberries, take note that they need plenty of sunlight plus water for moisture is essential for its development as raspberries grow easily with warm climate. Its fruit weighs from 0.11 oz to 0.18 oz surrounded by a hundred of drupelets. Its bush can grow several hundred fruits yearly.
When harvesting them, make sure to choose fruits that are firm and totally ripe. Do not pick those that are not fully ripened because some raspberry fruits do not ripe after they are picked or harvested.
You will know if it is fully matured when it fell into your hand gently, once you pull it off without using force. Remember that over-ripe raspberries should be taken out quickly from the bushes and dispose it properly because leaving them on to decay will definitely attract pests. Raspberries can easily be affected by weather so the best time to pick raspberry fruits is in the morning, or when the weather is not too hot. Keeping it away from direct sunlight once harvested will keep its excellent taste.
If you chose to pick raspberries in Australia, make sure to call the farm first and always bring all the necessities for harvesting. Always wear proper harvesting clothes like long sleeves top, boots, hat and gloves. Bring plenty of water because gardening and harvesting deals with heat from the sun plus you need water for rehydration. It is also worth mentioning to always put on sunscreen for protection against the sun to avoid getting skin disease or skin cancer.