Watermelon Picking / Packing

Watermelon Picking Job While Backpacking In Australia
The industry of fruit farms in Australia thrives all year round and it has been one of the most reputable and in demand market when it comes to finding jobs in the area. The harvest season, as well as the fruit picking time are considerably a must experience to people who are backpacking in Australia. Various kinds of fruits grow in different parts of the continent, and whether you choose to go there during the winter or summer, you will always find a work as a fruit picker in the rural areas. Most tourist and locals find themselves relieving their financial needs by working in farms, others, on the other hand, just want to experience the culture and working in the farm.
Planting of watermelons require enough space for the vine to crawl and the fruit to develop to their normal size. Varieties of watermelons can weigh at least 14Kg a piece if the produce is carefully taken cared for. The fruit which bears a large green or yellow oval shape should be bright red when opened and bursting with juice and sweet taste. Watermelons should be left to ripe in their long vines, this is to allow full growth and maturity for the fruit.
During the summer and autumn season in Australia, watermelons bear fruit and later, ready for picking. Farmers usually check them before they hire someone to harvest the fruits, however, if you are not familiar with how the fruit develops; make sure that you know when they are ripe. Watermelons are ready for picking when they reach their full size and the part of the fruit that touches the ground changes color from green to yellow. You can also gently tap the fruit and if it makes a hollow sound, it is ready for picking.
Unlike stone fruits, watermelons are large and heavy, and if you are planning on working in a farm, make sure that you are physically capable. Long hours during the day, sometimes until late in the afternoon should be anticipated. Workers are normally paid on a piece rate basis, but there are also farms that pay their workers by the hour. Either way, you still earn something while working as a fruit picker. The Australian immigration also introduced their policy of extending the working holiday visas of tourist who have worked for at least three months in the farms they have selected. If you are wondering how you can extend your visit, this might be an easy option for you.
As a tourist worker, you don’t have to worry about working only with other tourists as local Aussies also work in the farms, giving you more opportunity to bond with them and know more about their culture. Fruit farms are located in the rural parts of the area so don’t expect to have everything within your reach. If you are lucky, you may spend just an hour travelling from the farms to the city, others have to endure 4 hour drive just to reach their farm destination.